We put varied expertise and professional figures at the service of innovative urban projects. As developers, we choose to manage our investments across Europe with a highly qualified team of professionals and a multi-service, integrated approach to assist our clients by following every opportunity throughout its entire development process. From our offices in Milan and Rome we develop and manage major real estate projects, taking care of our direct investments and working with institutional investors throughout their entire life span.

Our experience in the development of innovative real estate projects

Horti The secret of Porta Romana – Milan

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This project is radically changing the look of the area between via Orti and via Lamarmora in Milan: Horti will inject new life into a complex of buildings dating back to the 19th century, while enhancing the beauty of the spacious green area and the historic garden. Horti is a true secret garden in the heart of Milan, a green lung of over 10,000 sq m of surface, rich in secular lime and cedar trees.

The original structure was maintained in the redevelopment of this area, and some of the 19th century structures have been restored to their former glory: the main Villa, once a religious building, the “Lavanderia”, the “Casello.” While the original buildings were refurbished, new ones have been built anew. Horti also includes detached houses that put a modern spin on the traditional Milanese style, and contemporary-style flats with ample floor-to-ceiling windows , overlooking the park.

The project includes a total of 77 new units, a mixture of detached ground to roof solutions and flats with breathtaking views. Each house or flat at Horti is equipped with high-end finishes, state-of-the-art technology, and an integrated home automation system. The entire complex is A-rated (Energy performance class.

The secret garden

Domus Aventino – Rome

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A luxury redevelopment project, which has resulted in highly innovative housing solutions in a context of unparalleled beauty. The Domus Aventino complex is located in the very heart of Rome, within walking distance of the Colosseum, the Circus Maximus and the Orange Garden (Giardino degli Aranci) on the Aventine hill. This unique redevelopment project has reawoken the beauty of three buildings designed in the 1950s by the engineer Cesare Pascoletti, which served as the headquarters of BNL (Banca Nazionale del Lavoro) for many years

The architectural plan by Studio Tamburini started with the original buildings, which were turned into a residential complex with a great personality, a perfect blend of technology, home automation, and Italian style. The interiors were designed by  Studio Marco Piva, an internationally acclaimed excellence in interior design. It all resulted in luxury flats, with modern, elegant finishes, that meet various housing needs by offering solutions in a wide variety of sizes, spaces, and ample terraces.

The blend of avant-garde and history continues to live through an incredible museum display of archaeological finds located in the heart of the property complex: an architectural display case in the basement area. The display of original Roman flooring and walls, combined with multimedia installations, shows how archaeology, within an urban context, can be an opportunity to learn and experience history first hand, by guiding visitors through an evocative, immersive path to the heart of a Roman Domus dating back 2,000 years. 

Discover Domus Aventino

Rome Horizon Europe

New HQ BNL in Rome

We have built the new BNL, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, BNP Paribas Group Headquarter in the Tiburtina neighbourhood of Rome. Our project for this building fits within a broader redevelopment project in the area, which strives for urban regeneration, improved road network, better services and tourist accommodation. 

The new HW blends design and innovative solutions: the ground to roof complex develops as a horizontal skyscraper, with impressive volumes and an unmistakable wave pattern on its façade. Moreover, the building is equipe with technologies that meet the highest water and energy efficiency consumption standards. Thanks to these innovative and sustainable systems, Orizzonte Europa was awarded the LEED Gold Core & Shell Certification, and, in 2017, the 1st Smart Building Award at Expo Milan in the Tertiary/Office use category.

This project boasts extraordinary figures: 75,000 square metre floor area, 19,000 square metres of glazed façades, 1,200 square metres worth of terraces , 3,500 workstations. It took only 38 months from start to finish and is a masterpiece of efficiency-boosting in all its processes and building solutions, with the ultimate goal of minimising its environmental impact as much as possible.

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Latest news from the real estate world


Case sostenibili, tra efficienza energetica ed energie rinnovabili

Oggigiorno, la necessità di ridurre l'impatto ambientale e promuovere la sostenibilità ha spinto il settore immobiliare verso nuovi orizzonti, con un'enfasi particolare sulle energie rinnovabili e sull'efficienza energetica degli edifici. In questo contesto, concetti come "casa ecologica", "fonti rinnovabili" e "efficientamento energetico degli immobili" stanno ridefinendo il panorama del real estate, guidando l'evoluzione del settore verso abitazioni sempre più sostenibili.

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Smart Home
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Smart Home e Domotica: un nuovo abitare intelligente

Stiamo attraversando un’epoca in cui la tecnologia sta riformulando diversi aspetti della vita quotidiana, tra cui anche l’esperienza abitativa.

A tal proposito, l'innovazione nel settore immobiliare ha assunto negli anni nuove sfumature, grazie soprattutto all'introduzione di concetti come smart home e domotica, termini che hanno rappresentato un vero e proprio cambiamento nell'approccio all'abitare.

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Lo student housing, un settore immobiliare in crescita

Alcuni settori specializzati del mercato immobiliare emergono, più di altri, come promettenti opportunità per investitori e operatori. Tra queste nicchie in crescita, il settore dello student housing ha recentemente attratto un notevole interesse, offrendo una panoramica affascinante sulle tendenze degli investimenti immobiliari.

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